Telegram Movie
Today, everyone want to watch the movie online instead of downloading it. Telegram become the biggest source of movie and webseries. People are downloading movies from telegram. But there is one way where you can watch all movie and webseries online instead of downloading it. Many of you don't know how to do it.
How to play Telegram Movies In External media Player
So below is the steps to play telegram movie in external media player
1. You need to have Telegram and Mx Player downloaded in your mobile.
2. Open telegram search for movie. You will get lots of channel which provide movie Join them.
3. Copy or forward it to Get Public Link Bot (search on telegram Get Public link bot and Join it)
4. Click On Generate Resumable Link and then click on Start
5. Click on Resumable Link and then open it from Mx player.
Below is the video showing above steps
How to play Telegram Movies In External media Player